It’s that time of year, again! Families are bustling about, going from place to place, enjoying one of their favorite seasons of the year:Â Vacation. Some families may just travel across the state line, others may head abroad to Europe or perhaps Down Under. But how would you like to get […]
Are you ready for our IndepenDANCE celebration tonight? Come join us for a jovial evening at… St. Mark’s Lutheran School Gym, 1821 N. 90th St 6:30pm beginner’s class Dancing starts at 7pm and ends at 9:15pm Drinks provided Cost to attend is $3 for ages 14 and under, $5 for ages […]
Here’s a question, did George Washington dance? According to General Nathanael Greene,  “His Excellency (George Washington) and Mrs. Greene (wife of Nathanael Greene) danced upwards of three hours without once sitting down.†[1] We’d say so. What about during the time of the Revolutionary War? “The anniversary of our alliance with France […]
Has something been bugging you lately? Let’s see, what could it bee… That the summer is about to fly by? That the days are quickly ticking away? That you know gnat what to do with your free Friday evening next week? Or maybe it’s that we haven’t danced in two […]
Ahhh… Welcome back friends. While we’re grateful for a breather in May, we’re as eager for this month’s dance as a Junebug is for 75 watt porch light. So step lightly, put on your dancing slippers, and join us on… June 22nd St. Mark Lutheran School Gym, 1821 N. 90th […]
May. It’s a month, but it’s also rather like a dance, is it not? It is full of festivity and friends. It’s often quite the whirl-wind, and sometimes all the excitement leaves us breathless. It’s a time when we celebrate progression (from first couple to second; from high school to college). […]
Worth writing home about, we would say the 2018 Literary Ball was one for the books! We so enjoy seeing those with a passion for dance and a passion for the written word come together at this annual event. We saw some of the classic titles and characters, but also some new […]
We here at Old Dominion are so excited to host our second-annual Literary Ball! We hope that this post will give you some inspiration and spark your creativity with regards to your costumed-attire for the evening of April 7th. *psst* If you’re wondering what a literary ball is, check out this post. What […]
It’s time to dust off your bookcase (and your dancing shoes) for our annual Literary Ball next week! Pick a book! Make your final character (or author) selection and complete those finishing touches on your costume. Oh, and take a peek at the dance card when you get the chance. […]
We here at Old Dominion Dance really enjoy our regular monthly dances. But you know what we like even better? Balls. And with our annual Literary Ball just around the corner, we think that our balls may just take up residence in your list of favorites, too. Many of you […]