Last week Jennifer and I hitched a ride to Illinois for Liberty Day 2011. This is significant because calling for the dance at Liberty Day was our first paying dance job(that alone made it an awesome experience). I’m afraid IÂ didn’t take a single picture.
The money we earned at Liberty Day will go toward funding our ECD Workshop this coming weekend. Our workshop leaders and Band have been very gracious about making no profit for their services, but even with only travel expenses covered the workshop is easily our highest expediture to date.
Jennifer and I are excited at the possibility of future trips to call and organize dances: not so much for profit(we hitched a ride, remember? we didn’t have any expenses to cover) as for enjoyment. It’s fun to travel(in moderation: I’ve been home for four days in the past month) and meet new friends, and expand our experience as callers by teaching different crowds. So in the future you may see us around the midwestern states, dancing and calling through the m