It’s January.
They say that we call our January dance the “Blue Dance” not because anybody feels sad, but because the color fits the mood of the month. You know, because it’s cold and snowy and… stuff. Blue stuff.
The parties have passed, the containers of holiday leftovers have run dry, and your mom keeps mentioning how the Christmas lights should be taken down and buried in the garage again. Vacation is over. You’re on a diet. Even the number 2019 is growing stale on your tongue.
January is blue. But does it have to be?
The Christmas cookies are gone – trust me, I checked three times – but the celebrations continue year-round, starting here in the beginning. In January, with all of its blue, gusty, freezing glory. Staring now, we dance year-round, and while we dance we like to laugh; laughter makes it a party.
So if you’re blue and letting the chill from outside get to you, come laugh through January with us at this month’s Blue Dance.
THE BLUE DANCE: Friday, January 18th
- St. Mark Lutheran School Gym, 1821 N. 90th St
- 6:45pm beginner’s class
- Dancing starts at 7pm
- $3 for 14 and under, $5 per person, or $15 per family
- Drinks provided