Last year we published a post with costuming ideas and suggestion for our upcoming Fezziwig Ball. (You can find that post here.) Since the Ball is just three short weeks away, we thought it was a fine time to start getting exciting about some of the details of the evening, like, what will you wear?

So enjoy this little post of inspiration; we look forward to to seeing what you piece together!

It seems, as with anything, that a little observance will go a long way. So before you decide what you’re going to wear, why don’t we go through a little analysis.

Let’s start with the gents, shall we?

If we were to stereotype you guys for a moment, there seem to be three main categories.

#1: “It must be historically accurate.”

You search the vast webs of the internet for places to order metal buttons made from the correct mold, you style your hair with beaver wax, and *gasp* you hand-sew all the seams. You guys make astonishing costumes, and can sew better than many gals these days. Kudos! You are few and far between!

#2: “I didn’t have to sew a thing!”

You have a special talent. It’s not sewing like gentleman #1, but we all know you could if you had too. No, no, you have a keen ability to walk into Goodwill and find the top hat, monocle, or that perfect pair of shoes to complete your outfit. And you likely have at least one staple that was hand-me down from guy #1. (It was before he stopped lining his garments with polyester). You don’t understand why costuming is so hard.

#3: “Costume? Can’t you tell? I came in a twenty-first century interpretational-replication of the eighteen-forties style of Maldivian fashion.”

You guys aren’t thrilled with costuming, so you either throw on a polo and khakis, or try something remotely close to gent #2. And you manage to style those plaid pants with such pride. You really don’t care if you’re outfit’s perfect, or if there’s a zipper, or if you vest is from the 1970’s instead of the 1870’s. And that’s okay. We’re just glad you’re here, and we’re thankful that you enjoy dancing. And you are the dancers who invite all your friends. So, kudos to you, too.

Now ladies, don’t think you’re far from the stereotypes. If we framed the guys that way, we’re just going to have to be fair.

#1: “It must be historically accurate.”

You gals pour hours into your costumes (and at least two to style your hair accurately). You love sites like American Duchess, and you likely blog about your own adventures in dressmaking as well. And yes, you too have reformed your ways so that you now hand-sew all visible and non-visible stitches. And your fingers know it!

#2: “I actually sewed part of this myself.”

Your fingers are tired too, but probably from hours of scrolling through Pinterest for inspiration. You don’t always sew your costumes, but when you do, you do it with much speed, caffeinated beverages (since the event is tomorrow, after all), and a seam ripper close by your side (and lady #1’s number in case things take a tear for the worse). But when you’re finished, it was so worth it. But you still hope this will fit you for another five years…


#3: “I picked this up at the Salvation Army thirty-five minutes ago! What a find!”

You make many of us wonder, dear sister #3, just how you can wear that Sear’s Roebuck from seventy-five, and look like you just stepped out of a seventeenth-century cobblestone street. And no, they probably wouldn’t have worn their hair that way, but you can pull it off quite well. You never cease to amaze us. (Just make sure you take off the 99¢ tag before you start dancing.)

Are you inspired to get costuming yet? Do you fit one (or more) of these stereotypes?

Regardless of how you like to costume, we hope to see you and your outfit on December 15th, 2017, at our eighth annual Fezziwig Ball!

For further details about our ball, or to register you and your family, click here.

This post was originally published on Nov. 18th, 2016

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