While I am the organizer and administrator of Old Dominion Dance and I make the big decisions, the dance organization is a group and as such I wouldn’t be able to function without all of you. So thinking with the mindset that you, as an attendee, are part of this volunteer group, I am asking for your help.
How can I help, you ask?
The website needs a facelift; my mass emails could use a more professional look. Every month we need eight gallons of punch and 100 cups, and we always like to have the information table nicely decorated. We’re behind on finances. I always like to be drawing in new people, and I have a desire to connect with the arts community in Omaha. All of these things take hours of unpaid work, funds, and connections that take time to establish. I need you people who enjoy our public dances and want them to continue to step up and help when and however you are able.
Besides active assistance, I also welcome your thoughts and input on any issue related to the dances. I was very pleased when one of our attendees requested a dance to be done on October 14th. Don’t hesitate to email me with any questions.
I don’t want to sound complainy, but I want to be honest. I also don’t want to get burned out and have to give up the dances. I hope to continue to host them for as long as I’m able. But I’ve reached a point where to continue the public dances I need volunteer participation.
I’m so thankful for all of our attendees both faithful and sporadic. Are you thankful for the dances?
I just wanted to thank you so much for all of the dance calls that you have on this website. My family is hosting a dance on Friday, (first time) and I am the caller.
I am very excited that you are calling at the Reformation Day Faire. I wanted to meet you at Liberty Day, but never got the chance, so I’m looking forward to meeting you next week.
I pray that you are able to find willing helpers. If there’s anything I can do at the Reformation Day Faire let me know.
God Bless,
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This is the kind of comment I love best! I’m so glad to hear our website helps others far away. Please do introduce yourself at the Reformation Faire.
[WORDPRESS HASHCASH] The poster sent us ‘0 which is not a hashcash value.