4 cpl square. Music is available from Fain Music, Bare Necessities, and Waits of Southwark.

Chorus: Head & foot in a double, clap, turn single out
Sides the same

Heads in, Side arches: Head & foot couples slip in a double by two hands, Take hands with opposite, slip out under arch formed by side couples, Cast back to place.

All take partner by two hands and turn
Sides the same


All pull by partner, Heads skip: All take rights hands with partner
Head & foot pull by and skip, while sides form an arch improper.
Heads meet your opposite behind the sides, lead under arch & fall back improper.
Repeat, except sides pull by while heads for the arch (proper) and fall back to place (proper) A3:


Grand leer figure: Men skip around set passing in front of partner, weaving
(behind right corner, in front of opposite, behind left corner, back to place).
Women skip around passing in front of partner, weaving
(in front of partner, behind left corner, in front of opposite, behind right corner, back to place).