Today is the day that the Old DD Team has been planning and preparing for… Today is the long-awaited-for Fezziwig Ball! We are looking forward to seeing so many old and new faces this evening, as this is our 7th annual Fezziwig Ball. If you are a new face to Old Dominion Dancing, and would like a few pointers before we start our dancing this evening, you can check out the dance card and watch videos of the dances we’ll be doing this evening. There is also a short beginners class just before the ball this evening, at 6:50pm. The beginners class is great for those who would like to quickly learn a set, how to cast, the right way to turn single, and other helpful foundational steps.
If you didn’t get a chance to register, don’t worry! There’s still plenty of room for those who would still like to join us! The cost is $10, to be paid at the door.
We’re so looking forward to seeing you this evening!